long time no blog! i have been so busy its not funny lol. this past weekend has been HECTIC! i have been on set of a web series and also done makeup for a fashion show! so i thought i would blog and tell you guys about it all! :)
ok so i had to be awake at 5am to get into Melbourne city by 7am. i was on my way to the set of "Rookie Mistake" which is a web series created by Jason Albury. click here to watch the videos. i had to makeup about 7-8 people for a bar scene. i met some really amazing people and it was a lot of fun being behind the camera again. funny enough, i had to be an extra! so when the episode is edited I'll show you all and see if you can point me out haha. we wrapped nice and early which was nice (12.30pm) so i went home and hung out for a while till i needed to be in the city again for a fashion show!
on the set of Rookie Mistake at the Turf Bar.
this was me and Sammi before the 1st show in our outfits with hair and makeup :)

i had to be up at 4.45 to get to a crew members house at 6am for another day on the set of Rookie Mistake. being so tired the night before i forgot to set my alarm. i woke up to a txt at 6.10am saying "hey I'm at the end of my street with my hazards on" I've propelled out of bed going FUCK FUCK FUCK! i called everyone saying i was going to be late. i didn't end up getting to Laura's house till 7am and didn't end up getting to set till 7.30am. i got to set and everything was fine. i had 2 and a bit hours sleep and was up doing makeup all day long. we didn't wrap until 2.30pm or something like that and omg i was absolutely buggered. i got on the train and slept the entire way home lol. got home, played some halo and fell asleep at 8pm. and didn't wake up till 9am the next morning and i was still so tired! then to top it off i had work 1pm-4pm lol.
so that was my long busy weekend! how was everyone elses?
love you guys! ♥
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